Escape Room Gevangenpoort Bergen op Zoom - Bergen op Zoom

Escape Room Gevangenpoort Bergen op Zoom

Escape Room Gevangenpoort Bergen op Zoom

Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands

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The Prison in Bergen op Zoom dating from the 14th century and is the oldest monument in the city. As of September 12, 2015 once again open to public!

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Capacity: 2-5


Lievevrouwestraat 60, 4611 JL Bergen op Zoom

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88 EUR

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You descend the narrow spiral stairs downstairs, where the walls and a half meters thick. You come from a forgotten cell with a heavy wooden lattice door. Between the bars by you see piled stuff: dusty and old, very old. Here is clear for years no one had been more. Whose were those things? The guards? Prisoners? Nobody knows. One question you have to get inside. In this tower are indeed long people 450 years locked up awaiting their verdict. Will you still be out?

Yet you go inside and the door when closed. Exactly 60 minutes you get to the light of day again to look in the eyes. You discover, try some and feverishly consults with the group. Time flies! You unravel riddles and puzzles about the history of the port and its former inhabitants. The solutions lead to your freedom. Do not tell anyone what you have seen and experienced in the room that should have remained hidden.